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Welcome to the #loveprocurement podcast, where we bring you a fresh and lighthearted take on all things procurement. We’ll dive into this fascinating world with a twist of humor and a sprinkle of fun. Each episode explores a different topic, inviting industry experts and special guests to share their insights, experiences, and stories.
For those that #loveprocurement or are curious why others do.
RELEASED 7 janvier, 2025
The categories procurement manages are as varied as the stakeholders they work with and the suppliers they buy from. But that does not mean learnings from one category, or industry even, can’t be transferred from one to another. In fact, when the objective is value creation, this may be the very advantage that allows procurement to succeed.
In this episode of the #LoveProcurement podcast, Kelly Barner is joined by Adele Bleakley. Adele is a Procurement Manager for Sainsburys and was recently recognized as the ‘Highly Commended – Young Talent’ winner at the 2024 CIPS Excellence in Procurement & Supply awards.
Adele answers questions about:
Links: Adele Bleakley on LinkedIn